Ring Girls UK Outfits

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Ring Girls Uk Outfits

Grid Girl, Promotional Model and Ring Girl Clothing

Thanks to Brexit, COVID and and other factors Grid Girls UK no longer source our  Promotional Model Clothing

We do however have a shop where you can buy our branded outfits. These items are printed on demand and take up to two weeks to be made up and delivered.

You can check items here: https://grid-girls.co.uk/shop/

Ring Girls Uk Outfits

What we do at Ring Girls UK

If you choose to use our services the dedicated team at Ring Girls UK (a division of main agency Grid Girls UK) will ensure that each assignment, large or small is given the full attention it deserves. We pride ourselves in our ability to build a comprehensive understanding of our clients’ requirements, thus enabling us to provide a tailored service to suit each individual assignment.

We represent many experienced ring girls, cage girls and hostesses across the UK who work in large venues and smaller scale shows such as O2, York Hall, Cardiff Arena, Copper Box etc

We have many happy ring girl clients amongst them are Frank Warren Boxing, MTK, IBA Boxing, Charity Cage Wars, Beats and Boxing, Total Power Promotions and many more.

We deal in a competitive business and have kept our prices low despite increasing costs etc

Many Thanks for taking the time to read through Ring Girls UK details. We hope to be the future agency of choice you can certainly rely on.

To get a quick quote fill in our quote form to your right (on desktop computer) or at the bottom of the page (if using a mobile) or follow this link

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Ring Girls UK

Call us for a quote – Landline: 03301330279

or for a quick quote message use form below (we aim to reply within an hour)

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